Euan and Liz held a party for the start of term at their 2 flats on the river. It was a grat setting and John made a massive batch of British sausages - which all went very fast. A great night!
We went for a lovely 8 course Italian meal for Kitty's birthday. We had steak, mushroom potatoes, smoked salmon, penne with tomato sauce, filled pasta and risotto. It just kept c
Having brunch in our favourite restaurant - The Refinery.Ed on the microphone.
Me and Isie.
Sam and Elaine.Me and Laurie.
We went out to one of my favourite restaurants (a tapas place) last night for Isie's birthday. It was a really fun night. I must get back to work but will add some pics. We went to Sheridon - an Irish bar which has great live music on the weekend. One of the highlights was Ed (bald guy) who managed to jump on the spare microphone while the band was playing. Luckily they saw the funny side!
Since Gem's wedding it's been completely mad and I haven't had a chance to write here. So now it's the weekend I'm making an effort.
We had a really good time in Guernsey although it was very busy preparing for Gem's wedding. It was nice be really girly and actually spend time together. It was the first time for 5 years that me Mum and Gem had more than 1 day together in 1 place.
Being back at school is great. There is a really good atmosphere with the new people and it seems like every one is very positive despite being inundated with work. Kids come in on Wednesday so we made the most of our last Friday night before term starts by having a staff social. I managed to go to all 3 (we have 3 different campuses) in the same night! I started at the secondary party at our friends' house then went on to Restaurant 13 on the river for my social. Then we all loaded into a taxi and went to the other social in town. Good night but didn't get up until midday! And we're out again tonight for Izzie's birthday - so hopefully some more photos tomorrow.