We went for dinner at Gem's house as Mum is visiting this weekend. Rosie riffled through my bag as she always does. She gave me a scare when she found my memory stick and tried to eat it. Babies are so worrying. She liked wearing my gloves again. I think it's quite a comedy look for her! I woke up very early this morning and moved into the lounge to give Gareth a break from my coughing and hacking. I have had a horrible cold this week. But I found a lovely surprise as everything is white outside. I hung up my Christmas bunting from Mum to get in the December mood. It's about all we have to decorate the house, so we should really start looking for a tree etc.
I popped in on Saturday to see Gem as she was really ill with a nasty tummy bug, which then Tim also got (luckily, somehow I avoided it). As always Rosie was obsessed with technology. She liked the game where I took a picture of her or me and she then told me which one of us it was after looking at the picture. She is so clever! I can't believe how big she is getting - she even went to blow her own nose after the snotty picture. Hopefully everyone is well now!
We spent Saturday night away near Warrington for our friend's 30th birthday. Everyone really paid attention to their costumes. It was at a Chinese restaurant and the food was amazing. I could hardly move by the end of it. It was the first time I had eaten Chinese for about ten years as I am always scared of nuts in the food, but they were really helpful and I could eat mostly everything! The duck pancakes were so yummy.