Rebecca is 4 months old now. We have been really busy this September starting all her new activities and seeing lots of her cousins with Auntie Gemma. She is loving swimming and the bonus for me is that it makes her super sleepy so I can get a nap if I time it right! She also loves baby sensory, especially singing and signing to songs. I have met lots of other mums too, so it's been a good thing for me. I have also started orchestra. I hope I can keep it up, as it gets colder and darker, because it doesn't finish until 9.45pm - a bit late for me! Rebecca is really growing up now. She laughs a lot and smiles at things other than faces now - she especially likes smiling at a set of Mexican postcards that we have framed in our bedroom - very strange...
Rebecca has had a very sleepy time today and by the lack of noise coming from the bedroom it seems that she's even gone to sleep on time too. I think she's been a bit under the weather. I know I shouldn't complain about a sleeping baby as many other people would love that, but it is unusual for her. This week she has been quite active though. Here are some pictures of her rolling about, lifting her head and having a go on her new bouncer, which she really loves!