We went down to London for the weekend. Gareth's dad was really pleased to see Rebecca, unfortunately Gareth's mum was away. It was Gareth's birthday on the Friday so we had lunch in Barnet. I made a chocolate mousse cake covered in cream and white chocolate - a first for me but definitely not the last. On Saturday we went into London for a wedding of Gareth's friends. Rebecca was a star on the tube and slept on the way in. She was very good and played and fed really happily with another baby of the same age. She slept through the meal, speeches and the first dances so we got a really good night out! The food was delicious and the venue amazing. It was in the Middle Temple - an incredible building with great history. We drove back today and Rebecca had butternut squash for the first time - as you can see from the picture she fed herself and very much enjoyed it!
We went to Katie and Mark's wedding on the weekend. Rebecca was really well behaved and slept throughout the meal. Unfortunately she woke up when it all went quiet for the speeches and we couldn't get her back to sleep so we had to head back. She's getting quite big now and is becoming a real character. She got her first tooth on Tuesday 18th October. It didn't give her too many problems coming through, in fact we didn't even realise it had arrived until she bit me!
Rebecca tried baby rice for the first time today. She loved it and even fed herself with her spoon. Of course she made a right mess and got it all over the place. Hopefully this means she will enjoy trying fruit and vegetables next.
Rebecca has found her feet this week. She's also able to roll from her front on to her back and is almost there with the other direction but is more interested in doing sit-ups. I am getting ready for winter now as it seems to be getting colder. Although I can't believe how warm it is still for October - 21C indoors today! We have all been suffering from colds this week. Poor Rebecca has found it really hard to take her milk with a blocked nose. She seems to be a lot better today so fingers crossed that we're past the worst.