I flew all the way back to England by myself and am very proud of doing it as I had never flown so far alone before. I can actually say I enjoyed the flight. Unfortunately I didn't get the job I really wanted. I was really disappointed in myself but I feel now that it just wasn't meant to be. I had a lovely time seeing family and friends so all wasn't lost. I am pleased to be back in Vietnam, especially to see Gareth, despite the little things here that are already annoying me. As soon as I got on the flight to HCMC there were people pushing me (something I hate about this part of the world - there no spatial awareness or respect for personal space) and the traffic was insane when I arrived. But it' almost over. I can't wait for a lovely summer to begin! Here are some pictures of Rosie. She has such a cheeky look now. We had so much fun paying in her birthday ball pool and trying so hard to walk and crawl everywhere.
On Friday, before I went off to the UK, we went for a lovely meal at the Sheraton. It was meant to be for my birthday but I hadn't been able to go for various reasons. We thought it would be nice to do before we leave as we won't be eating at 5 star restaurants in the UK! Here is Gareth ready to go out and my favourite (self-designed dish) oysters and sweeties. It was a special holiday in Vietnam so the food was even better than normal. I had lots of great seafood, especially a very yummy lobster. This is something I will miss back home!