Rebecca has managed to gain over a pound in 6 days - last week she had lost 1oz and weighed 7lbs 6oz. She is now an impressive 8lbs 8.5oz. No wonder I am managing to shrink back to a more normal size so quickly.
I can't believe Rebecca is already 1 week old! She is still being really content and calm. I hope this continues as she is just lovely to be with as she always tells us what she wants without crying too much. We are now getting a bit more organised and feel like we have a bit of routine for her. Gareth's mum and dad came to visit on the weekend and totally spoilt her with more gifts. The picture is of her on her new play mat which she totally loves. We went out to visit her little friend Samuel today. It was terrifying going in the car for the first time but she was totally relaxed and slept all the way. She had a change and a feed out and about and it wasn't too traumatic at all. Now I've done it once I feel confident to go out on my own now. So I'm going to try out some of the mum and baby classes in Mickleover next week.
I can't believe Rebecca was born exactly one week today. She has been so lovely and relaxed. She is a very content little baby. She has only really cried for her bath and during the heel prick blood test and even then she soon calmed down. The first couple of days were pretty horrible in terms of exhaustion but seeing her wiggles and snuggles made it all worthwhile. I hope she continues to feed really well as she has only lost 1oz from her birth weight of 7lbs 7oz. She is looking far more rounded and certainly fills enough nappies to show that everything is working well. Gareth has been amazing and has done so many changes that I am actually not very good at them for lack of practise. Fingers crossed that she continues to sleep at night time and doesn't change her routine too much, especially for Gareth when he gets back to school. Rosie and Gem came to visit today. Rosie brought Rebecca two of her old toys but decided to take them home again when she left! She was very gentle with the baby and didn't make a fuss when Gem had a cuddle. What a good girl!
We went to Rosie's birthday party on Sunday. She was loving her new farm that Gem and Tim built. Gemma made some really yummy chocolate butterfly cakes and a big ladybird cake. We did sneak off a bit early as I was pretty shattered and there was a house full of toddlers who were all very cute but not very relaxing!