Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fresher's Week

Just got back to Mexico. Whenever the new people arrive it's a bit crazy and very reminiscent of fresher's week at uni. Everyone drinks a bit too much for too many days in a row and within a week you can guarantee some kind of mimi-scandal. I love it!

I just met all the new guys yesterday. I always think it's great watching everyone trying to figure each other out. They seem really nice and are all liveing near to us so a whole bunch of new, ready-made freinds!

Had a horrible weekend. Just as a couple were moving into the house next door to us, Lynne, The lady who looks after things like that fell of my doorstep. She broke her arm really badly. I have not seen many injuries close up but had to deel with blood ane bone glaring out at me and get her to hosipital quick. If you don't have a first aid kit at home buy one. She burst an artery and my bandages were a bit of a life-saver. So this week I am First-Aid Ant and I am glad to say Lynne is feling much better.


Gem said...

update your blog spot with some photos, I want to see what you are up to? you can't be that busy??????? (ok so you can but I want to hear from you on your blog)

Sameranda said...

Jesus that story has made me feel really sick. I think we have a first aid kit though so that's OK.