Friday, August 25, 2006


I remember saying I'm knackered to a PE teacher once and getting in big shit. It's not that bad is it mum cos you taught me it? Anyway I am knackered. I've had a really good but crazy week. Thank god we finish at half 2 because I'm not sure how I used to go so much longer. But it's the weekend now so I'm happy. We're off to a party at our next door neighbours tonight - so not too far to stagger back. We're up early tomorrow though (so much for a lie-in). We're going with some friends to climb an old volcano. It's 5000m up so we're splitting into two groups the normal people and super-fit. You can guess which groups me and Gareth are in (not the same one). The fit ones are going to walk all round the ridge, climbing up really big slopes. At such high altitude it's a killer - hard to breathe. We're going to take it easy and take the nice slopes. What I'm really looking forward to are the drinks and tacos at the end. Photos soon!

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