We've been in Malacca now for 5 nights, which really is a little bit too long. It's probably a city worth visiting for 3 nights, but we were not to know that until we had already booked. We do feel like residents and everyone expects us for breakfast or a mid-morning cofee and cake in the various bars and restaurants. It's probably been for the best that we've taken it easy as I've not been good for much other than taking afternoon naps and going to bed early. I still haven't shaken off my cold. Mallaca is a gorgeous old town, which in 10 years is going to look amazing. They are doing up the canal area so that there will be 15km of walking paths along the canal. It's great in most places now but you can see how polished it is going to be in the future.
Below is a picture of the Chinese New Year paper offerings that they burn in the temples for the gods and their ancestors. They burn replica money, houses, clothes... to bring in good luck in the new year. Here are some tips to stay lucky over the new year:
Do open doors and windows
Do have a VERY clean house
Do eat sweets
Do wear a new pair of slipper that someone has given you - in order to step on people talking badly about you
Don't get a hair cut or buy new shoes