Saturday, November 25, 2006

Still snotty and ill but I have just finished my reports so I am feeling very pleased with myself. They were a pretty big job. One more thing out of the way before Christmas. I was back in school for only two days last week but it felt like an eternity. I had to teach the kids a dance for the performance at the end of term. I am not a choreographer and my dances are really crap. At least the kids know no better and the parents will love it because it's cute. So I'm not too worried.

We have another short week next week - Friday is a holiday so I only have to work 14 more days in total then off to Toronto. It's going to be really cold but at least I will feel Christmassy. I've been bugging Gareth to play Christmas music all week and hopefully we'll be getting our tree soon. Mexicans don't walk anywhere - they all have cars. So, we are a yearly source of amusement when we walk down to pick up the tree. They ask us where our car is and can't believe we are just going to walk up the hill with it under our arms. All good exercise!

Jingle Bells .... Yey!!!!

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