Friday, June 16, 2006

Summer Performance

I have finished the hardest part of the term. Last night we did the summer school performance. It was so great and a bit crazy as the orchestra consisted of 150 kids and the choir 200. We did a film music theme. While we played the pieces they played clips from the films on 2 big screens the parents loved it especially the dads who were dragged along as they had something to entertain them. It was just the right length - didn't drag on for three hours like last year. I can now relax with just an easy week at school tidying up and packing away.

I am missing Gareth as he has gone away on a trip. I don't mind him being away but he's in an area where there is no reception so I don't even know if he got there ok or anything. I realise how nice it is to have someone to share dinner with and slob out watching endless episodes of Lost. But I am going to make the most of it by watching my new box set of Sex in the City that Gareth bought me. It's going to be a long slobby weekend. However, I have been very good as I was tempted to buy a tub of Haagan Daas and sweets etc. But have settled on a few bars of skinny chocolate. They are now importing Cadburys chocolate but only something called thins which are a bit weedy so you have to have a couple!

1 comment:

Gem said...

enjoy sex and the city! Good girl on not buying ice cream... that must have taken some will power!!! Tim is going away in september for two weeks to USA I will miss him so much but at least I will be able to call him. I'm sure gareth is fine and having fun (wishing he was with you!)

hugs, gemma x