Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lazy bum

I have been really slobbing out this weekend. Managed to make it out for lunch yesterday - yummy Italian. Gareth bought my birthday present. I keep nagging but he's giving no clues.

I was in my PJ's last night when our friends called to see if we wanted to some over for drinks. After dragging myself out of the house we had a really a really good chat. Two of our good friends here are also moving to Vietnam and one of them has a job in the same school as us. I'm really pleased to have some friends before we even get there.

We are having a super bowl night tonight - the final of the American football league. We have a load of pizzas and beer in and some friends are coming over.

I have been crap today. I went with Gareth to the gym with good intentions and only stayed for half an hour - hardly worth me going. I feel really tired and run down and it's just too hot to exercise. At least tomorrow is constitution day so all schools are on holiday. A nice long weekend!


Sameranda said...

I went to the gym yesterday as well and Sid was there. Seems like everyone is trying to get fit at the moment!

Ant said...

My memories of him are selling us pints under-age, big time boozing and being an obnoxious eighteen year old. I saw him last time I was over - a fine young man in a suit. How things change.

Troot said...

Happy birthday!

Hope you're good?
When do you move to Vietnam? That's really exciting! Are you coming home for a bit first? Gma and Gdad told me, I think, but I remember nothing!

Take it you'll be at the wedding? Most considerate it being to close to my house - I need only roll out of bed 10 mins before!

Have a great day!