Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Grumpy Pants

I was a grump today having to go to school. I don't know how Gareth puts up with my moodiness at having to go to work. He is lovely to me when I'm being a spoiled brat. I had a great weekend and didn't want to face the kids and planning etc. again.

I was really good Friday and went to the gym. Then we had fish finger sandwiches which I love! I cooked and shopped all day Saturday (I bought a really nice top to go out in). We went to Ruth's birthday Saturday night. The restaurant was pretty quiet but the staff were really friendly. I had a great risotto - not stingy on the rice - but a great big pile I ate till I was stuffed. They also served great wine in what could be a flower pot. As soon as you were finished they would scoop it up and refill. I had trouble keeping count of how many cups I'd had which is never good. We met a guy from Bangladesh starting a business selling clothes. How wierd is this world now? What makes you up and move from Bangladesh to Mexico?

On Sunday I did a little picnic. It was really to show of my garden, which if I say so myself, is looking a bit special. It was a cool day where I caught uip with loads of people I hadn't seen in a while. We also made out like bandits as everyone brought alcohol and no-one drunk it so we have a real bar load now. We'll have to have another party. Did nothing much on Monday but loved not having to get out of bed in fact I didn't get dressed till after lunch. I was forced to have a shower after Gareth dragged me in from the garden in my pyjamas. I know I'm scummy and I don't care!


Sameranda said...

Hi Ant, I wanted to let you know that Rachel's Dad died last night.

She seems to be holding up, she called me this morning to let me know so I'm just letting a few people know for her. He was at home and had been quite poorly as you know and the last few days had been especially bad, so... I'm not sure about the funeral arrangements.

It's such horrible news isn't it. I'm sorry to tell you by email but I don't have your phone number. It was quite sudden as well, I don't think they were expecting it so soon. I think they thought he had a few more months left although they were expecting it at some point.

So, on a lighter note I am trying to grow some roses but I am useless and have already trodden on one. I guess having tropical weather is an advantage!

Ant said...

Thanks Sam. My mum gave me a call. I was very sad. I have written Rachel a card and will try and call her soon. I tried calling you on Sunday but you were probably busy painting or fitting skirting boards!! I will try again soon. x

Sameranda said...

We've moved house! We're finally out of Chilwell and our new number is 729641. We moved all our furniture in yesterday (missed liberation day but nevermind) and I'm bringing the cat around this evening. On Sunday we were at a wedding in Somerset (oo arr my luvver)